I only decided to make this late yesterday afternoon.
In between cooking dinner, and watching TV I managed to
put this together.
My parents were married in 1962,
I wanted to give them something they could add to,
maybe even write down their memories.
The front cover.
The first page.
The second page with pictures from their wedding day. The date of their wedding.
I don't have many photo's of the day,
I hope they will add one.
Another page for them to fill.
A recent photo of them.And then the back cover.I just hope they like it, and will want to finish off
what I have started.
The second page with pictures from their wedding day. The date of their wedding.
I don't have many photo's of the day,
I hope they will add one.
Another page for them to fill.
A recent photo of them.And then the back cover.I just hope they like it, and will want to finish off
what I have started.