Thursday, 31 July 2008

I had some new Tattoo's

I decided to have a couple of new tattoo's done.
I had these done on Saturday.
The foot tattoo design did have flowers on it, but I decided
to have butterflies instead.
There are five butterflies,
one for each of us in my family.
Husband, me, Taylor, Hannah and the sweet baby
I lost at 12 weeks in 2002
I also had a butterfly on my left wrist.
In my Daughters favourite colours.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty! Hope the redness has faded now.


Anonymous said...

where've you been Kerry? Hope you're ok.

I've tagged you on my blog.


Teena in Toronto said...

I love the ink! I'm thinking about getting some paw prints on my foot. I like how you've done it.

Happy blogoversary!

Anonymous said...

lovely tattoos